Be An Andrew – Mrs. Tomilola Afuye


TEXT:  JOHN 1:35-42

Andrew, prior to his call to Christ’s disciples, was a devoted disciple of John the Baptist. One day, when he was in the company of John the Baptist with other disciples, a carpenter from Galilee passed by and John pointed Him out as “the Lamb of God”. Andrew and the other disciple immediately left John the Baptist and went after Jesus to get to know Him better. We are not told who the other disciple was, but we do know that something began in Andrew’s heart that prepared him for the direct call of Christ. The first thing Andrew did after his encounter with Christ was that he hastens to find his brother, Simon Peter. He was not selfish like some of us might be if we were to have that opportunity of an encounter with the king of kings, we would rather go alone  and experience him first hand and come back to narrate the experience.

Andrew did not do that immediately he got to know Jesus the first thing he did was to go call his brother, that was genuine love and joyfully introduces him to Jesus. Although a seemingly simple act, that introduction made a great impact, not only on Simon Peter personally, but on the generations after him of which we are partakers. Simon Peter became the one to whom Christ gave the keys of the kingdom, and through his thrilling, Spirit-anointed sermon on the Day of Pentecost, opened its gates to thousands of newly-converted souls. Little did Andrew know what impact that simple introduction was to have on generations after him, since you have been saved how many people can you confidently say you have led to Christ, to whom have you shared your spiritual journey experience with? Are your family members saved or are you been stingy with your salvation, you are not saved for yourself but for others to be able to come to Christ, Christ didn’t die for you alone, heaven won’t be fun with you alone there. Why don’t you do the one major assignment Christ demanded of you and I.   “…Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15, NIV)

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